The last leg

Everything is moving along smoothly (hahaha) the list of requisite supplies for our home birth is in place and now we are just waiting.

We know our baby could pop out any day but somehow it still does not seem real. Somehow you still can’t  really prepare yourself for the raw reality of the whole thing so we remain in limbo.

On the one hand the biggest change of our lives is imminent, on the other the new world that awaits us still seems so far away. The aim of this journalling process was for me to integrate the experience in all its width and breadth on as regular a basis as possible. However on reflection no matter how many words I write I don’t think I will really believe its happening until it happens.

Thinking about the whole amazing, crazy, frightening, delightful process I can only say that I reckon we have done enough. We have read enough books, conferred with our elders, examined our options thoroughly. When all is said and done and the waters break I am betting we are going to be ok.


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